About Me

 Hi, I'm Tony Towndrow.

I have always loved to be out of my comfort zone. Whether while serving in active duty military for 10 years, working in federal law enforcement for almost 9 years, or guiding backcountry adventures, I have always wanted to live my life to the fullest. 

My goal as a Certified Professional Wellness and Spiritual Coach is to enable you to do the same. To give you the space and confidence to try, so you can discover your personal strengths to succeed. 

As a combat veteran suffering with Post-Traumatic Stress (PTS), it took me time to rediscover my strengths and find the courage to let go of fear. So taking the first step towards self-discovery, required much reflection and action. Nature and adventure gave me this. Once I embraced this mindset, I realized that there were no limits to what I could achieve.

Since becoming an adventure wellness coach, I have intentionally surrounded myself with individuals who inspire me and have something to teach. I believe that continuous learning and personal growth are essential, and with the right skills and abilities, there are no boundaries to what we can accomplish.

My personal struggles with PTS have been the catalyst for the creation of my unique enterprise. Drawing upon my extensive background, expertise, and my degrees in outdoor adventure education, I have gained valuable skills, knowledge, and opportunities to connect with individuals who are seeking positive change in their lives due to trauma and burnout. This journey has allowed me to provide support and guidance to those in need, helping them navigate their own paths towards healing and transformation.

I believe my purpose is to become the fullest expression of myself and to help others do the same. 

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Fun Facts About Me

  • I served 10 years active duty, U.S. Air Force - Security Forces.
  • I served in two combat tours in Iraq (2004 & 2006).
  • I have been diagnosed with combat-related PTSD.
  • I was a professional Outdoor Adventure Guide for 5 years
  • I was certified Physical Trainer while in the Air Force
  • I lived in England for four years of my life.
  • I have been married to my wife, Melissa, for 16.5 years.
  • I have two teenage kids.
  • I spent a month backpacking through the Wind River Mountain Range in Wyoming
  • The furthest I've tracked a living thing was 15 miles.
  • I hiked the Grand Canyon South Rim-to North Rim-back to South Rim (48 miles) in 21.5 hours.
  • My favorite author is Brandon Sanderson

  • I was in Federal Law Enforcement for 8.5 years.
  • I have a BA in Adventure Education & MA in Outdoor Education Leadership from Prescott College.
  • I currently hold 3 certifications as Certified Professional Coach (CPC, Wellness, & Spiritual) - working on 4 more.
  • I ride motorcycles & so does my wife, Melissa.
  • I volunteer with our local Search & Rescue Team (SARA).
  • I'm a certified Master Educator with Leave No Trace.
  • I enjoy writing and spending much of my time in nature.
  • I'm a certified climbing instructor with AMGA.
  • My favorite thing to do is hike in backcountry areas where there is no-one to be found.
  • I have an Australian Cattle Dog, named Szeth
  • My favorite movies are The Lord of the Rings & The Hobbit

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