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Featured in Executives Diary Magazine

Antony Towndrow • Mar 04, 2024

Antony Towndrow: A Journey of Transformation and Leadership

Last week presented an incredible opportunity for me as I found myself featured in the esteemed Executives Diary Magazine. It is truly gratifying to witness the fruits of my labor as an aspiring entrepreneur and Adventure Wellness Coach come to fruition after months of dedicated effort. While I primarily communicate and showcase my work on LinkedIn, I encourage those who have not yet done so to explore my profile and gain further insight into my journey. 

As a veteran with a background in federal law enforcement, it was not an easy decision to open up about my personal struggles and triumphs. Within the veteran community, discussing one's accomplishments often feels like self-promotion, an act that is met with unease. However, the civilian world operates differently, demanding that we confidently share our positive contributions and the impact we make within our communities. This task becomes particularly challenging when combined with combat-related post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a diagnosis I received at the beginning of 2022. 

Nonetheless, through my presence on LinkedIn, I have witnessed the creation of numerous opportunities. Just last week, I had the privilege of speaking on two distinct podcasts. One of these podcasts focused on organizations that assist veterans and first responders through the use of service dogs. Michael Overlie from Dogs and Men, LLC and Joe Gionti from CanineHeroes4Heroes invited me to share my experiences with PTS, shedding light on what it entails within the veteran and first responder realms. I had the chance to discuss my program and the comparable benefits it offers to these communities. Ultimately, it boils down to creating a space for reflection and healing, where we can chart a course towards a more fulfilling and empowering life. In this journey, the unwavering support of a loyal companion proves invaluable - Coach and K9 included.

The second podcast I participated in, titled "Acknowledge 2 Action," delved into the framework that aids veterans and individuals in overcoming obstacles and challenges. Matthew Benko highlighted the importance of Acknowledging the issue, Accepting the situation, Processing it, Planning for a successful outcome, and taking Action (AAPPA). It was an incredibly rewarding experience to share my personal story, encompassing my military and law enforcement careers, and how they led me to my current role as an Adventure Wellness Coach.

The feature in Executives Diary Magazine served as a testament to my past achievements, current undertakings, and the positive impact I strive to make not only in my own life but also in the lives of others. I have included the link to the article below for you to peruse and provide your thoughts. Executives Diary Magazine showcases individuals from the LinkedIn platform who hold executive, CEO, and leadership positions, emphasizing the profound influence professionals can have globally by sharing their journeys, statistics, and experiences.

If there is one takeaway from this article and last weeks podcast visits, let it be known that sometimes we must step outside our comfort zones and expose ourselves to recognition for the tireless efforts we invest. I'll talk more about Acknowledge 2 Action when the podcast interview is released in 3 weeks.


Executives Diary Magazine -

Dogs and Men, LLC Podcast -

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